AI and Data and Analytics (D&A) Service Providers Reviews and Ratings

What is AI and Data and Analytics (D&A) Service Providers Market

AI applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning (ML), to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions. Capabilities for AI include: *Strategy *Data engineering (curation, labeling) *Model development and testing (computer vision, graph, natural language processing [NLP], optimization) *Operations (ML operations [MLOps], monitoring) *Governance D&A is the management of data for all uses (operational and analytical) and the analysis of data to drive business processes and improve business outcomes through more effective decision making and enhanced customer experiences. Capabilities for D&A include: *Analytics and business intelligence (BI) *Data integration *Data management (and data governance) *Data quality *Data science and ML *Master data management *Metadata management

Products In AI and Data and Analytics (D&A) Service Providers Market

"Flexible and reliable - they deliver what they say and to timescales and budget"

Tessella have proven to be a stand out supplier, delivering on time and to budget. They have shown the flexibility to work in an agile way to provide constant value by releasing regular updates to the tool..

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"Great vendor with good products"

Working with this vendor was a great pleasure for me. I ordered the analytic platform and custom dashboards and it did the job done for me. Service was really helpful, and the personal project manager was available mostly all the time. My programming team was working with the vendor team great.

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"Easy to use"

My experience is very good. It provides great platform to organize work, we can easily access data and resources . What is important to work in data science and machine learning is model development. They provide end-to-end model development workflows. The most important thing is we can built machine learning solutions faster which is very important for any workplace.

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"Very satisfied with their experience and professionalism"

We have partnered with ZS for sales force size & structure initiatives and have been very satisfied with their knowledge and professionalism.

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"DCube Assessment"

I have known them and have been working with DCube for almost 5years now and they have time and again demonstrated their technical and functional capabilities in enabling us as an organization

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"Quality Insights and Service"

Latentview is very professional and their insights using data science applied to social listening data was very good.

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"an easy and useful toolbox"

The software works really well for our needs. It's usefull for file storage and business information. For any particular topic or project we're able to find in an easy way the knowledge needed for the area.

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"Crucial business tool for revenue growth"

The services are excellent and helps in improvement of overall infrastructure of organisation and plays important role in data management.

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"Data Science Ruins Us Most Way"

Comma Soft understands the business concepts and interprets with the data.They provide the best solution for the complex problems.They always release best features for data modelling systems.

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"ideal partnership in the deployment of innovative solutions"

The combination of expert knowledge, flexibility and customer-oriented approach allows to achieve measurable results in innovative projects.This combination of features represented by Lingaro is a guarantee of success.

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"Good and economical analytical solution "

Simple and economic machine for analysis and data mining. Good graphical representation of facts and figures.

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