Analytics Query Accelerators Reviews and Ratings

What are Analytics Query Accelerators ?

Analytics query accelerators provide SQL or SQL-like query support on a broad range of data sources. They are most frequently used as a means of providing interactive and production-optimized delivery on semantically flexible data stores that do not inherently have the capabilities to provide sufficient performance or ease of use on their own. Commonly used in conjunction with data lakes, they aim to support BI dashboards, interactive query capabilities, data modeling and other analytics use cases.

Products In Analytics Query Accelerators Market

"Best Support"

I really had a good experience with Starburst support team. They resolved my technical issues and helped us migrating to latest version.

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"Very efficient experience for managing my database."

I Have used the software to be able manage data in different database engines. I also used the software to migrate data form one database engine to another from to different vendor.

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"Dremio: A Powerful Tool for Data Management with some drawbacks."

We had with Dremio an open and transparent communication. The level of service provided by their consultants is spot on.

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"Scalable option for managing data and analytics together in a single platform. "

Within my company, one of our use of Databricks is as an analytics query accelerator. Databricks helps to accelerate our data analytics processes by providing optimized data storage ; which ensures efficient data accessibility and organization. It also provides in-memory processing, interactive querying and auto-scaling of clusters plus a range of other capabilities which help to accelerate data retrieval and enhances data processing task performances.

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"Game changer for our data and analytics program"

We were very impressed with AtScale from the time of our proof of concept to our production deployment. AtScale helped us organize our marketing ad, customer specific profile, and web traffic data in a way we could deliver integrated analytics to the entire company.

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"SQL query one stop solution for data extraction and combining datasets"

SQL query data extraction is the base for assessing data and performing analytics. This platform can be used as a one stop portal for writing SQL and combining datasets.

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"Best analytic tool and provide best solution ."

There are enables businesses to convert raw data into insight, leading to more meaningful customer understanding. it helps enterprises remove the complexities of Hadoop

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"smooth migration and great performance"

We migrated to Galaxy in order to improve performance of our dashboards. We had a very smooth migration to Galaxy, has great help from SB solution engineers. All in all, Galaxy showed out of the box high performance and excellent cost efficiencies

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"Best data orchestration platform "

Dynamic data orchestration platform to bring together unstructured data from different sources and use AI/ML workloads on cloud very effectively.

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"Customizable, Open-Source Analytics that Scale with your Organization"

Very customizable, open-source, easy to integrate tool for analytics at scale

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"Powerful BI Tool that cuts out the Data Warehouse ETL Structure."

We use Incorta for all of our Supply Chain reporting, merging SAP, MY SQL, flat files.

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"Kyligence - GREAT!!!"

Overall, we had a good experience implementing Kyligence in our organization

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