Application Portfolio Management Tools Reviews and Ratings

What are Application Portfolio Management Tools?

The application portfolio management (APM) discipline monitors the business, technical and cost fitness of the application portfolio. It uses factual information and analysis, allowing objective and transparent decisions. Its main objective is to identify, prioritize and propose opportunities to improve the portfolio. Opportunities include replacements, migration, modernization, consolidation and decommissioning. APM tools support the people, processes and information of the APM IT discipline to discover, monitor, analyze and visualize the fitness of the application portfolio and provide recommendations for improvement.

Products In Application Portfolio Management Tools Market

"Unlocking the Power of Application Rationalisation Tools"

What an incredible tool for Application Rationalisation!

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"A hugely powerful EA modelling tool with so many practical uses"

A powerful and flexible enterprise modelling tool from which valuable business insights can be derived. Found the learning curve quite steep initially, particularly getting famiiar with the UI, but the best practice modules really help kick start development of your enterprise's metamodel.

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"Augury - An Excellent Reliability Tool All Manufacturing Plants Should Consider"

Overall, Augury has been an excellent asset for our plant. The monitoring system provides great starting points for technicians to launch into troubleshooting from, and their user interface is straight-forward, even for individuals without a background in vibrations analysis. Furthermore, the team is responsive, knowledgeable, and professional, and the comments by the vibration analysts are insightful.

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"great tool when integrated with other ServiceNow modules"

I have great access to the ServiceNow SPM team and leadership

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"Overall good project management and resource planning tool"

PlanView is a good project management tool. It also helps to keep track of resources time spent on different projects. Customer support is good, response is fairly quick with very good knowledge of the tool. Good built in reporting capabilities, plug-ins for Excel options are very good.

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Planview vs ServiceNowSee All Alternatives

"Product for EAM and more"

The product helps us to achieve the requested results for Enterprise Achitecture

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"Objective prioritization method, fast configuration without coding, extreme flexibility"

Started by focusing on objective prioritization of future initiatives for one group of our organisation it extended to prioritization of different things in several divisions. Performing prioritization requires some data and thus extension to project portfolio management and, as projects are related to our products, to product portfolio management. Due to the high speed of configuration without any coding for most usages, the flexibility of the platform allows using it as fast prototype for different subjects. This has lead to its usage as permanent master data solutions which is not the initial purpose of FP.

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"Great product and added support via Customer Success package."

Good overall experience in dealing with ValueBlue through the initial demo and onboarding phases. Ongoing support via the Premium Support offering is valuable to us to assist in defining best practice as we grow into both the product and take advantage of the maturity bonuses it can provide to our EA offerings.

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"Ease to manage and transform your Application Portfolio"

Effective and efficient Application Portfolio Management

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"Robust SaaS platform which has a full set of functionalities"

The SaaS platform has endless functionalities that needs to be mastered to get the best use of it.

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"Mismatch Between Product Features and Shift Left, Cloud First Approach"

There is good access to the vendor's services, but the adoption of the product is very slow

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CAST vs ServiceNowSee All Alternatives
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