Business-Outcome-Driven Enterprise Architecture Consulting Reviews and Ratings

What is Business-Outcome-Driven Enterprise Architecture Consulting?

This market focuses on EA consulting services that help clients deliver business-outcome-driven EA. EA consultancies are professional services providers that have a primary focus (that is, skills, investments, revenue and service offerings) on providing organizations with the tactical and strategic services to help them to define, develop and execute their EA initiatives. Business-outcome-driven EA is a practical approach to supporting EA that focuses on delivering business and IT leaders with signature-ready and actionable recommendations for adjusting policies and projects to achieve target business outcomes, based on the business direction and relevant business disruptions

Products In Business-Outcome-Driven Enterprise Architecture Consulting Market

"We highly recommend Converged Technology Professionals for UCaaS and CCaaS technologies."

Converged Technology was our partner with our on premise solution. When we wanted to move to a VOIP system, partnering with CTPro was the best choice for us to move towards improving our technology and capabilities. They helped us evaluate different vendors and determine which one would best meet our needs now and for the future. They were instrumental in the design and implementation of the system. The attention to detail, knowledge and experience, and active listening to our needs by Converged Technology was pivotal in the successful implementation. Their training and knowledge of the system made for a smooth transition for our entire company to the new technology. The successful launch of the project and high employee acceptance are indicators of Converged Technology's experience and professionalism. We continue to rely on Converged Technology's expertise and experience. We trust them to keep us up to date on new technologies and suggestions on how we can improve our business using the latest technologies.

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"A pleasant surprise by FPT Digital"

FPT Digital has great expertise in digital transformation with unparalleled human competency in Smart Factory solutions. They could give great consultation by acting as a true business partner for Dx with their in depth knowledge of the industry and share the business success responsibility with us. One point I'm particularly happy to work with FPT Digital is their talents. Sometimes, they might have slightly short on very specific niche of knowledge in relevant industry. But they were always open minded and show a strong willingness to learn and can come back to us with excellent consultancy through quick and in-depth study.

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"Why Tanzu Labs is the enabler for your company"

VMWare Tanzu Labs is an excellent accelerator for cloud native development. Tanzu Labs is great at enabling companies to build software via an Extreme Programming model which forces collaboration at all levels. Tanzu Labs also forces a model of "I do, We do, and YOU DO" to ensure folks are able to operate independently

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"High-level Implementation with stupendous functional skills"

Professional and exemplary services. Good expertise and ample resources. Strong commitment and premeditated efforts. Very meticulous and methodical.

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"Flexible and smart team members. Getting the work done in the way we want it done"

Listened and adapted to our needs. Allowed us to take small steps to test out using them and then grow the relationship over time. Very flexible and knowledgeable.

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"You can never go wrong with Tata "

TCS always does a fantastic job for us and this was no exception. They continue to overperform and simply blow me out of the water with their thought leadership and innovation.

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"Good implementation and functional skills but not scalable team size"

good expertise but limited number of skilled resouces

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