DataOps Tools Reviews and Ratings

What are DataOps Tools?

DataOps tools provide greater automation and agility over the full life cycle management of data pipelines in order to streamline data operations. The core capabilities of a DataOps tool include: Orchestration: Connectivity, workflow automation, lineage, scheduling, logging, troubleshooting and alerting Observability: Monitoring live/historic workflows, insights into workflow performance and cost metrics, impact analysis Environment Management: Infrastructure as code, resource provisioning, environment repository templates, credentials management Deployment Automation: Version control, release pipelines, approvals, rollback and recovery Test Automation: Business rules validation, test scripts management, test data management

Products In DataOps Tools Market


Experience has been more than phenomenal. Unravel team has assisted us with all our request and on a timely manner. It's been a pleasure working with their team. Unravel application has helped gather valuable information about our cluster and it has helped identified issues on the same and even how we can improve the way we run queries on the clusters.

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" allows us to deliver data from space in the hands of our customers "

Product can scale. We ingest 65 billion rows of data per day with outlook for data to grow 635% in the next year. It easy to use and reduce resources onboarding overhead due to the existent online training and ability to move code from FB to dev to qa and prod and setup training projects. Automation, automation, automation. Snowflake seamless integration. Use of dbt. Kafka and cloud files data ingestion

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"Quick integration, went live with multi-channel notifications in a day."

Best product for product managers to get complete control and visibility into notifications. Implement quickly with no need to go through sprint cycles for creating and iterating notifications.

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"Fast Pipe. "

we have saved so much of resource time and enabled faster time to market.

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"Data Validation Tool Offers Ease of Use Amid Improvements"

Very efficient tool for data reconciliation and validations

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