ESG Management and Reporting Software Reviews and Ratings

What is ESG Management and Reporting Software?

The ESG management and reporting software market provides data collection, management, reporting and analytics necessary to design, implement and measure programs that advance and improve enterprise sustainability performance and streamline responses to voluntary and mandatory ESG requirements. Decision support and analytics capabilities help to identify opportunities for improvement and actions that advance ESG performance, and inform the development and implementation of ESG programs. Topic coverage is broad and includes measurement, analytics, planning and program management to improve performance across: - Environmental considerations, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water, waste and recycling - Social considerations, such as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI); supplier sustainability; philanthropy; charitable giving; and volunteerism - Governance, such as sustainability programs oversight and controls, ethics, and anti-corruption

Products In ESG Management and Reporting Software Market

"Workiva is a one-stop-shop for ESG Reporting! "

Workiva is committed to listening to customer feedback and continuously improving the ESG Program.

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"Envizi in small business "

Envizi solution is great because it's useful to open new business and help to have a better world.

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