File Analysis Software Reviews and Ratings

What is File Analysis Software?

File analysis (FA) products analyze, index, search, track and report on file metadata and file content, enabling organizations to take action on files according to what was identified. FA provides detailed metadata and contextual information to enable better information governance and organizational efficiency for unstructured data management. FA is an emerging solution, made of disparate technologies, that assists organizations in understanding the ever-growing volume of unstructured data, including file shares, email databases, enterprise file sync and share, records management, enterprise content management, Microsoft SharePoint and data archives.

Products In File Analysis Software Market

"Analyzing Personalized File and Folder Access Controls"

Good system to setup specific files and folder credentials based on persona.

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"Netwrix Auditor: A Comprehensive and Insightful Tool for Enhanced IT Security and Compliance"

My experience with Netwrix Auditor has been highly positive. It stands out as a robust and comprehensive solution for IT auditing and security. The level of detail and clarity it provides in reporting has significantly enhanced our organization's ability to monitor and secure our IT environment.

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"Gain Data contexts with Data Insight"

Data Insight helps us to gain better insights for the data we are working with and also when the data is getting generated on daily basis. Data Insight is very simple to use and operate on various terms such as visualizations, gathering data from various data sources and many more such aspects. It has a very simple GUI which helps the users to get started without anyone's help.

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"Unveiling the Top Data Classification Tool: Extensive Features Explored"

it is one of the best data classification tool market and the reason in it supports in desktop, office and outlook.

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"Execellent tool for PCI-DSS cerification"

This radar tool help in the PCI-DSS certification and help to secure our server .

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"Best data management software I have used"

This is a wonderful data management application ,searching data be it structured or non structured, processing different types of data files, grouping them and accessing them have never been more easy. It has great response and much needed features.

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"good tool suite to get data insights"

good long running tool for customer migrations and more to that, allowing them to get insights from their data

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"Excellent tool for data protection."

Seamless data backup and faster restoration. Excellent tool for data protection. Remote wipe provides extra data protection in case of any loos of device with data.

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"Data handling is no more difficult with Bloomberg Vault"

We were facing much issue about handling our online stores and it was much difficult to find the right piece of information though numerous data and files storage was great issue, thus rapidly growing data volumes made compliance daunting. Not only this but we faced much issue in managing surveillance and investigations across our different communication channels and managing trade data, added oil to fire, so we were looking for the right tool, which could help us to all these problems. Now we are using Bloomberg Vault, that has provided us supervision and surveillance tools and cutting-edge investigative functions, now we have got rid of the obstacles.

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"StealthAudit - Great Support/Great Tool"

Great suite of products, it does take a little tweaking to configure but the support is awesome and is always there to help.

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"HPE Storage Optimizer is the best tool for information governance with data clean-up"

Thanks to this technology, we have been able to significantly save space, to better organize our backups and to eliminate unnecessary data according to the applied policies. Continuously adds new discs to deal with the persistent expansion of the business activities is not always the best solution to tackle this problem that surely IT specialists today are facing. Moreover HPE Storage Optimizer has come very effective for our productivity where scenarios collide from Exchange, SharePoint and not to mention applications that run based on SQL databases.

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"Komprise - Data Management"

Implementation is fairly straight forward using OVAs. Being able to see how much data and how old the data in the environment is great. We haven't used the migration feature yet, but according to the analysis, when we do implement the migration, it should free up about half of our current NAS space.

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"Mastering Sensitive Data Management with Spirion"

Spirion deserves a 5 star rating for its ability to search, locate and easily classify information in our network. Its customizable system allows us to mix and match when we create the playbooks. Everything you need to classify sensitive data is there for any team to get the job done.

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Good for keeping track of contracts and managing within a group.

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"Great tool for preventing losses and secured file management "

Great and powerful tool for file management and capacity analysis. It provides lots of features and tools that helps to plan and execute the operations in a proper way, preventing operational loss and other incurred losses. File analysis application is really good and meets almost all requirements that an organization is required for safe and secured management of files.

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"Boldon James Helped our customer to identify and classify sensitive information"

Boldon James helped us to identify the sensitive information and apply the proper tagging.

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"ActiveNav deals to your ROT"

ActiveNav is a cleaver product that works quickly in an area where "fast" isn't usually a keyword, and provides thorough results that enables sound decisions to be made (and acted upon) or merely indicates an area of interest that should be looked into - your choice.

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"Data Classification– The First step towards Data Centric Security. "

When it comes to protecting data with the help of different control technologies data needs to be segregated on the basis of sensitivity in order to deploy effective control policies. With the help of Klassify tool, we managed to segregate the data into different categories so that classification can be enforced while being generated or transmitted. Users are provided the ability to assign the classification as per their own understanding and knowledge of the data and made accountable for applying the classification at the same time. In case of any confusion users are well supported to determine the classification categories thanks to the suggestive and auto classification features.

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"Amazing Data security and data backup tool for day to day operations."

This was an amazing tool used for Data storage and retrieval basis the different roles criteria defined and at the same time able to maintain data backup and its security high priority simultaneously. Moreover solution itself industry compliant such as HIPPA (PHI), PII are handled with utmost care in a very easy and convenient way.

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"Powerful File Analysis Tool"

This is a tool that helps us quickly identity risks and efficiently manage company confidential data. We are able to manage sensitive data since we deployed ZL File Analysis. It integrates seamlessly with Azure and gave us no deployment issues.

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