Generative AI Engineering Reviews and Ratings

What is Generative AI Engineering?

Generative AI (GenAI) engineering refers to the field of engineering that focuses on the development, implementation and optimization of generative AI models. Generative AI refers to technologies that can generate new derived versions of content, strategies, designs and methods by learning from large repositories of original source content. By developing GenAI models, engineers can create new and innovative ways to generate content. The vendors in this segment are made up by incumbent and startup vendors covering full-model life cycle management, specifically adjusted to and catering to development, refinement and deployment of generative models (e.g., LLMs) and other GenAI artifacts in production applications. Please note that this market is based on Beta research and is continuously evolving. We will be making changes as and when there are new updates.

Products In Generative AI Engineering Market

"Good supply of Large Language Models"

Great and extensive list of available Large Language Models. With Amazon Bedrock you have access to AWS own LLMS, and Anthropic Claude.

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"why to add ChatGPT DGX Cloud to your Tech Stack"

The capabilities and investment Nvidia is putting into their AI products is ahead of the industry.

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Competitors and Alternatives
NVIDIA vs MicrosoftSee All Alternatives

"A bit slow but accurate at least!"

Watson loads a bit slower than I would have liked to see. It grows its capabilities.

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"Caveats of using the Power Platform"

Setup and trials are given with no admin approval. The product is wide open for consumption without any governance and you must lock it down as it is permitted to run in your environment without any controls unless you put them in.

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