Mobile Data Protection (MDP) Solutions Reviews and Ratings

What are Mobile Data Protection (MDP) Solutions?

Gartner defines mobile data protection (MDP) products and services as software security methods that enforce confidentiality policies by encrypting data, and then defending access to that encrypted data on the mass storage systems of end-user workstations. These storage systems include the primary boot drive of a workstation, additional system drives and removable devices used for portability. Storage technologies affected by MDP include magnetic hard-disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), self-encrypting drives (SEDs), flash drives and optical media. Several methods allow MDP products to delegate all or part of the encryption process to be accomplished by hardware elements, including the CPU and drive controller, and to native capabilities in the OS. Some vendors also have protection capabilities for network storage, and a few also support cloud-based storage environments as an extension to the desktop.

Products In Mobile Data Protection (MDP) Solutions Market

"Exploring MS BitLocker's Strengths in Windows Security"

MS BitLocker Provides us with a decent level of security but it comes with a few ups and downs

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"Harmony Endpoint with best UI and integration "

My overall experience using the product Harmony endpoint has been excellent. The User interface is simple and straight forward, making it easy to navigate. Performance is reliable, handling large amounts of data efficiently and without considerable latency

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"All-in-One Mobile Security Solution with Harmony Mobile"

Harmony Mobile provides all-in-one mobile security for us as it protects all our operating systems, files, networks, and apps. It gets integrated into our existing mobile environments easily because of which I can manage and deploy easily. Because of its easy deployment and integration, it scaled efficiently across various mobile workforces.

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"Check Point Full Disk Encryption - A great way to encrypt Disk drives"

Check Point Full Disk Encryption Software is a product that encrypts the complete hard drives and hidden volumes. Thus providing complete security from security breachers. It encrypts all files including the system files and temporary files. The encrypted disk is not accessible to the unauthorized users. We are using the software to encrypt all our critical data so as to save it from the attackers. Also we do not require downtime to encrypt the data because it runs its process in background. The main benefit of this encryption is data is protected even if the computers are lost or stolen.

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"Compatibility Across Various Hard Drives: An Insight"

I have been using this product for the last 5 years without any issues.

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"Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption Review"

The experience with endpoint encryption is very good. The product is working fine in the environment.

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"Dell's Robust Customer Support Stands Out in Product Rollout"

From initial discussion to final rollout, the Dell team was there to assist. The entire process was very streamlined.

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"Protection EveryWhere."

It is one of the applications that help us the most to maintain security in mobile equipment inside and outside the organization and help us to keep all our users connected in simple and faster ways, giving us that experience that we all wanted to be able to access, view and share quickly, safely and easily all these communications equipment and services.

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"Stable full disk encryption suite that allows easy key and certificate management"

Stable product that works as advertised. Easy to operate and integrate seamlessly with Active Directory for key management for users and devices. Easy to upgrade and great technical support that goes the extra mile.

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"Efficient Encryption tool, but Windows updates are not easy on Encrypted OS"

Symantec Drive Encryption is very good solution to protect our mobile users data on the notebook against to stolen or lost. Encytpion processes takes long time to complete. If you have SATA Disk, you need to wait much longer time for the encryption process to complete.There is no noticeable slowness.after disk completely encrypted. You have to check compatibility before encryption, because you may not boot your machine after encryption completed on unsupported hardware. You may configure Single Sign On feature if you deploy Encryption Management Server instead of Standalone version. Cons, It is not easy to update your operating system that is running on encrypted disk. You may need additional steps like using script or decrypting machine

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"A true cross platform tool and complies with data protection standards "

A user friendly cross platform tool which helps you to secure the workstations so that the data is protected and helps to comply with the data protection standards. At the beginning the system might slow down due to encrypting process but from then it is a seamless experience.

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"Easily protect your information with Symantec Endpoint Encryption"

Symantec Endpoint Encryption helps you to encrypt your files and sensitive data helping you with compliance without sacrificing performance.

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"Easy rollout, user friendly interface, easy to manage"

Overall our experience has been very positive. We are currently in the rollout process, more specifically in the whitelisting phase. There were a few issues with the integration inside our VM environment but our physical and server rollout was smooth.

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"“Quality of product and service is very good and affordable”"

1) It is one of the most successful brand in market. 2) Product design is very attractive. 3) Product service is very good and faster. 4) Cost, variety and Quality of product is good and reasonable to customer.

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"Strikes the drive. "

Easy to implement and easier to use. Data is so expensive or rather priceless, in case of device loss, this comes as a boon.

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"Consult the vendor and documentation on Best Practices"

Can be difficult to use depending on your implementation

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