Oil and Gas Upstream Modeling Suites Reviews and Ratings

What are Oil and Gas Upstream Modeling Suites?

Gartner defines upstream modeling as the development of a virtual model that describes the physical characteristics and future performance of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs, predicting their future performance and economic value. UMSs consist of bundles of complementary software that integrate the data, applications and workflows necessary to build and maintain upstream models.

Products In Oil and Gas Upstream Modeling Suites Market

"Must have tool for upstream oil & gas exploration programs. Excellent product & support. "

This was an exceptional software for geological modeling. Very detailed suite that covers all technical nuts and bolts that are needed post seismic processing.

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"One of the best tool for Seismic Interpretation"

Petrel is one of the best simulation tool in the market. It provides an interface to visualize 2D and 3D seismic data for seismic interpretation. One can process data, integrate data, visualize data and interpret data. It covers all prospects of reservoir engineering including petrophysics and geophysics as well. It helps in reduction of the risk and uncertainty while drilling.

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"Used in real time drilling optimization"

Used it in modelling real time drilling to generate friction factors and asses drilling.

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