Public Relations (PR) Software Reviews and Ratings

What is Public Relations (PR) Software?

Public Relations (PR) Software is used by businesses to disseminate important information and events about their company to the public, build their brand image, minimize or mitigate the damage caused by negative publicity, or transform it into positive sentiment. The communication is shared in the form of company press releases, media reports, conferences, interviews with journalists, social media postings, and other forms of media. This software provides PR professionals access to a massive media database of journalists, bloggers, media outlets, etc., to connect in a few clicks to promote their PR content. In addition, its monitoring and analytics tools track and monitor all the relevant activities across media and social channels related to PR. These tools use various metrics and reports to measure the effectiveness of PR campaigns on purchases, traffic, and other types of engagement and conversions.

Products In Public Relations (PR) Software Category

"Best in class PR Tool"

An exception suite of public relation tools, particularly strong in media monitoring and building/maintaining a strong, up to date media contacts database

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"Easiest PR application for great results "

The Buzzstream app is a really great application its a web based PR software which helped us in the outreach and good results through PR activities.

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"Excellent Public Relations Software Solution"

It is an excellent public relation platform which has lot to offer. Its ability to design the campaign and target the correct audience for the campaign. Its ability to show the articles from journalist and media outlets worldwide. Its ability to analyze the campaign performance. Its inbuild templates for campaigns or email templates saves lot of time.

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"Best data base and tools for the price"

Muckrack is a solid platform for media intelligence, pitching and tracking.

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"All in one Platform"

Provides right level of customization with easy to use modules

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"An impressive AI PR platform with a few things to get better"

Develop and execute the distribution of content is really easy, it helped me alot to reduce times of production.

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