Retail Merchandise Financial Planning Reviews and Ratings

What is Retail Merchandise Financial Planning?

Merchandise financial planning (MFP) is acknowledged as the primary tool of strategic preseason and in-season planning, critical within short life cycle retail merchandising. Key capabilities include forecast-driven financial planning via top-down and bottom-up automated planning to enable scenario planning and version control. This has enabled merchandisers to enhance their roles and drive increased roadmap, margin and inventory flow, as well as the opportunity to deliver customer-centric assortments. Our vendor interactions when researching MFP solutions surfaced numerous use cases demonstrating how MFP implementations have directly improved KPIs. One example is a large apparel brand that successfully reduced inventory levels by 30% after MFP enabled it to gain a better understanding of store-specific customer demand size and facilitated assortments. The application and frequency of usage of MFP is dependent on the type of products the retailer sells.

Products In Retail Merchandise Financial Planning Market

"Board merchandise planning solutions"

Board have been an important and very supportive partner to us and together we have successfully divered multiple merchandise and assortment planning tools.

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"Versatile and powerful Connected Planning platform"

As a partner, I strive to implement best-in-class planning solutions for our customers and their planning needs. Anaplan platform's capability and versatility helps in making this a reality. Merchandise Financial Planning and Assortment Planning solutions built on the Anaplan platform have resulted in customers benefitting from modernization, efficiency and agility in their planning processes.

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