Transportation Management System Integrator Reviews and Ratings

What is Transportation Management System Integrator?

The Transportation Management System (TMS) integrator market is composed of service providers that can help with the selection of TMS solutions as well as the configuration, integration, implementation and/or upgrade of transportation management applications. TMS integrators may also offer additional services, ranging from implementation of other supply chain execution (SCE) solutions, such as WMSs, to strategic consulting and, in some cases, even IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) services. SIs can make recommendations for process changes and help with vendor selection and implementing the tools.

Products In Transportation Management System Integrator Market

"Implementation of SAP-MDG /bp"

camelot is our MDM (SAP MDG) service integrator. what worked well: camelot is expert in MDG implementation and have relevent and knowlegeable resources allocated to work with us. while program maintained tight desdlines, Camelot commited on delivering per plan. in reality- projectanagement was poorly organized. commitment and delivery did not match to defined priorities and numerous back-logs, fixes, delayes were experienced.

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