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Acads360 is present in 1 market with 1 product. Acads360 has 150 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.7.

Source-to-Pay Suites

Gartner defines the source-to-pay (S2P) suite market as an integrated set of solutions to source, contract, request, procure, receive and pay for goods and services across an enterprise. These solutions typically are sold as cloud-based software as a service. Source-to-pay suites allow organizations to manage all of their sourcing and procurement activities within a single integrated solution. These solutions are modular in nature allowing customers to activate the functionality that is relevant for their needs. The integrated nature of these solutions allows for data to easily flow across the source-to-pay process providing needed visibility to upstream and downstream documents. An example of this would be the ability to view a purchase order and see the contract that the purchase is related to, the e-sourcing event that led to the contract and downstream documents such as receipts, invoices and payments.

Acads360 has 1 product in Source-to-Pay Suites market