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Alida is present in 2 markets with 2 products. Alida has 17 reviews with an overall average rating of 3.9.

User Research Platforms

Gartner defines user research platforms as tools that help user experience (UX) professionals and product managers to recruit research participants, conduct evaluations, generate findings, and identify insights to digital product teams and stakeholders across disciplines. User research platforms streamline the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about the needs, motivations and behaviors of a target audience. These platforms are primarily cloud-based SaaS offerings and can be used by any organization that designs and builds digital products for end-user consumption. For business leaders, building the wrong thing is just as risky as building the thing wrong. Software engineering teams are expensive, so dedicating the teams’ time and effort to poor product ideas or unwanted features is an enormous avoidable cost. User research platforms won’t make products perfect, but they will help teams to massively reduce the risks and costs associated with building software that frustrates users. User research platforms also make it easier for UX teams to conduct user research early in the development process using prototypes and wireframes, and to repeat it often as the product develops. UX professionals can gather and communicate insights to engineering teams sprint-by-sprint. These platforms can analyze large sets of data so that teams can more easily translate insights into compelling stories to share with stakeholders.

Alida has 1 product in User Research Platforms market

Voice of the Customer Platforms

Gartner defines a voice of the customer (VoC) platform as one that integrates feedback collection, analysis and action into a single interconnected platform that helps understand and improve the customer experience. Sources of feedback extend beyond direct surveying to include other, more indirect and inferred sources. For a solution to be considered to be a VoC application, it must meet three criteria: Data collection — The ability to collect all three types of VoC data: a)Direct feedback b)Indirect feedback c)Inferred feedback. Analysis and insight — The ability to analyze and derive insight from a diverse set of structured and unstructured feedback datasets using a variety of visualization and analytical techniques. Action — The ability to act upon derived insights through the use of alerts, workflows, case assignment and recommendations.

Alida has 1 product in Voice of the Customer Platforms market