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AppViewX is present in 4 markets with 4 products. AppViewX has 73 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Application Delivery Controllers

The application delivery controller is a key component within enterprise and cloud data centers to improve availability, security and performance of applications. Application delivery controllers (ADCs) provide functions that optimize delivery of enterprise applications across the network. ADCs provide functionality for both user-to-application and application-to-application traffic, and effectively bridge the gap between the application and underlying protocols and traditional packet-based networks. This market evolved from the load-balancing systems that were developed in the latter half of the 1990s to ensure the availability and scalability of websites. Enterprises use ADCs today to improve the availability, scalability, end-user performance, data center resource utilization, security of their applications.

AppViewX has 1 product in Application Delivery Controllers market

Network Automation Platforms

Network automation platforms are products that automate and orchestrate multiple vendors’ network functionality. These platforms support a broad range of capabilities including provisioning, deprovisioning, orchestration, troubleshooting, operations, workflow, configuration management, event-driven automation, validation and reporting. These platforms are well-suited to add value on top of existing point network automation tools by orchestrating end-to-end network workflows across existing automation tools. Network automation platforms interact directly with network devices, other automation and orchestration tools, network management systems/controllers, and/or network services. These platforms increase agility and efficiency of network infrastructure while lowering costs, reducing the amount of manual human errors, and improving compliance with required rules, regulations and laws.

AppViewX has 1 product in Network Automation Platforms market

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Lifecycle Management

Public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a foundational infrastructure component used to securely exchange information using digital certificates. It is included in all the browsers to protect traffic across the public internet, and organizations use it to secure their business environment. The organizations generally use public-key cryptography and X.509 certificates for authentication and verification of the ownership of a public key. The software allows for end-to-end lifecycle management of these certificates. The certificate lifecycle management (CLM) includes enrollment, validation, deployment, revocation, and renewal of the certificates to provide uninterrupted service. Fundamentally, security and risk management technical professionals use PKI and CLM software to manage risks. The software can alert and notify the admin users if the certificates are expiring or are out of policy compliance. Further, the software also provides capabilities to discover, assign ownership, and report on the organization’s usage of certificates from multiple CAs.

AppViewX has 1 product in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Lifecycle Management market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

AppViewX has 1 product in Security Solutions - Others market