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Availity is present in 1 market with 1 product. Availity has 1 review with an overall average rating of 3.

U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Provider Data Management Applications

A PDM application is a payer-industry-specific solution that helps payers’ IT and business teams. It also helps: - Manage complex data combinations for in and out of network providers. - Organize and manage required provider data by specialty types, business and legal entity structure, provider demographic information, and their affiliations to practice locations. - Validate the demographic and contract data of providers for payer administrative purposes, such as provider directory creation, medical shopping tools and claims payments. - Continually monitor provider data sources and alert healthcare organizations of provider data discrepancies and inaccuracies with data changes.

Availity has 1 product in U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Provider Data Management Applications market