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B2Metric is present in 1 market with 1 product. B2Metric has 20 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Mobile App Analytics

Mobile app analytics tools collect and report on in-app data pertaining to the operation of the mobile app and the behavior of users within the app. These areas of app analytics are defined as follows: Operational analytics: Provides visibility into the availability and performance of mobile apps in relation to device, network, server and other technology factors. Operational analytics are essential to capture and fix unexpected app behavior (such as crashes, bugs, errors and latency) that can lead to user frustration and abandonment of the app. Such analytics should be applied at both the app testing phase and after release of the app into production. Behavioral analytics: Shows how app users interact with the app to gain actionable insights, drive app improvements and improve business outcomes. Behavioral data can be analyzed based on correlating clicks, swipes, views and other usage stats based on user profiles, segmentation/cohorts, retention, funnel/event tracking and A/B testing.

B2Metric has 1 product in Mobile App Analytics market