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Baffle is present in 2 markets with 2 products. Baffle has 7 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.3.

Data Masking

Data masking is based on the premise that sensitive data can be transformed into less sensitive but still useful data. This is necessary to satisfy application testing use cases that require representative and coherent data, as well as analytics that involve the use of aggregate data for scoring, model building and statistical reporting. The market for data protection, DM included, continues to evolve with technologies designed to redact, anonymize, pseudonymize, or in some way deidentify data in order to protect it against confidentiality or privacy risk.

Baffle has 1 product in Data Masking market

Tokenization Platform

Tokenization platform turns sensitive data into non-sensitive data called tokens to increase data protection and reduce fraud risks in financial transactions. The original data is then safely stored in a centralized location for subsequent reference while businesses utilize these tokens to carry out their business activities. In addition, the tokenization platform enables merchants to adhere to industry and governmental regulations like GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, and HIPAA with minimum liability and security expenses. The typical users of the technology are financial institutions, real estate, banks, retailers, healthcare providers, insurance, and e-commerce companies. These businesses deploy tokenization to protect the personal information of their users, including credit card numbers, PANs, PII, and PHI.

Baffle has 1 product in Tokenization Platform market