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Bain & Company is present in 3 markets with 3 products. Bain & Company has 6 reviews with an overall average rating of 3.7.

Data and Analytics Service Providers

Gartner defines the market for data and analytics (D&A) services as consulting and system integration (C&SI) and managed services. These services manage data for all uses (operational and analytical), and analyze data to drive business processes and improve business outcomes through more effective decision making. The core capabilities for vendor solutions in the D&A services market include: D&A strategy and operating model design Data management Analytics and business intelligence (ABI) Data science and machine learning D&A governance Program management Enterprise metadata

Bain & Company has 1 product in Data and Analytics Service Providers market

Finance Transformation Implementation Consulting

Finance Transformation Implementation Consulting market is composed of firms that help businesses to streamline and improve Finance’s operating model, people, data, process, and technology capabilities. This market exists to help finance leaders execute on predefined finance transformation objectives in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Service providers operating in this market demonstrate a range of project delivery capabilities – these include initiative-specific subject-matter expertise, project management capabilities, change management capabilities, process improvement capabilities, and technology implementation and adoption capabilities. The finance leaders most likely to engage this market are Group CFOs and Heads of Finance Transformation.

Bain & Company has 1 product in Finance Transformation Implementation Consulting market

Finance Transformation Strategy Consulting

The FT strategy consulting market is composed of firms that offer services to help CFOs and their finance organizations define strategies and execution roadmaps across multiple business-aligned, forward-looking initiatives. These initiatives aim to increase the value the finance function provides the organization, while maximizing functional efficiency through appropriate cost and process improvement objectives.

Bain & Company has 1 product in Finance Transformation Strategy Consulting market