72 Reviews (All time)
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Bravura Security is present in 4 markets with 4 products. Bravura Security has 72 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Identity Governance and Administration

Gartner defines identity governance and administration (IGA) as the solution to manage the identity life cycle and govern access across on-premises and cloud environments. To accomplish this, IGA tools aggregate and correlate disparate identity and access rights data, and provide full capability controls over accounts and associated access. IGA solutions also fulfill the purpose of unifying and correlating identity data for organizations with multiple person and machine identity authoritative sources. This is done to provide a single view of identity (system of record) for their dependent processes and systems

Bravura Security has 1 product in Identity Governance and Administration market

Password Management Tools

Password management (PM) tools are products that provide users with the means to reset their own passwords after an account lockout or when they forget their passwords. PM tools can also synchronize passwords for users across multiple systems, allowing users to access multiple applications with the same password.

Bravura Security has 1 product in Password Management Tools market

Privileged Access Management

Gartner defines privileged access management (PAM) as tools that provide an elevated level of technical access through the management and protection of accounts, credentials and commands, which are used to administer or configure systems and applications. PAM tools — available as software, SaaS or hardware appliances — manage privileged access for both people (system administrators and others) and machines (systems or applications). Gartner defines four distinct tool categories for PAM tools: privileged account and session management (PASM), privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM), secrets management, and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM).

Bravura Security has 1 product in Privileged Access Management market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

Bravura Security has 1 product in Security Solutions - Others market