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Bridgeline Digital is present in 5 markets with 6 products. Bridgeline Digital has 49 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.4.

Customer Relationship Management - Others

Reviews for 'Customer Relationship Management - Others'

Bridgeline Digital has 1 product in Customer Relationship Management - Others market

Digital Commerce

Gartner defines digital commerce as the technology that enables customers to purchase goods and services through an interactive and self-service or assisted experience. The platform provides necessary information for customers to make their buying decisions and uses rules and data to present fully priced orders for payment. The commerce product must support interoperability with customer data, product content (e.g., price, availability) and order functionality and data via APIs. Digital commerce is commonly delivered as single or multitenant SaaS, or as single-tenant hosted or managed hosted (PaaS) applications. It could be offered for on-premises implementations in some circumstances. Digital commerce enables customers to purchase goods and services through an interactive and self-service or assisted experience, providing the necessary information for customers to make buying decisions.

Bridgeline Digital has 1 product in Digital Commerce market

Office Productivity Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Office Productivity Solutions - Others'

Bridgeline Digital has 1 product in Office Productivity Solutions - Others market

Search and Product Discovery

Gartner defines Search and Product Discovery as applications that augment digital commerce solutions to facilitate navigation, filtering, comparisons, and ultimately selection of products. They provide search (keyword, natural language and visual), merchandising (automation, configuration, and curation of business rules to make a product discoverable based on business needs), product recommendations, catalog navigation (and SEO keyword automation), personalization and analytics capabilities through SaaS to enable customers (B2C and B2B) to transact. They also enable providers (merchandisers, content managers, and search specialists) to support customer experiences. With the emergence of generative AI, conversational search interfaces are now appearing. Search and Product Discovery applications use product data to facilitate navigation, filtering, comparisons and ultimately product selection. Search results can be highly visual, using engaging layouts and multimedia. Content other than product information, such as educational information, compliance materials and related news may also be included in search results to engage customers and further support buying decisions.

Bridgeline Digital has 2 products in Search and Product Discovery market

Social Marketing Management

Social marketing management (SMM) tools equip organizations with the ability to orchestrate and manage a wide range of social communication efforts across various marketing teams and social platforms within a single tool. These software solutions help marketing leaders monitor, collect and analyze social data; develop, publish and promote content; identify and engage with their audience; and track the performance and impact of these communications.

Bridgeline Digital has 1 product in Social Marketing Management market