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Cerebra is present in 3 markets with 4 products. Cerebra has 15 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.7.

Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others

Reviews for 'Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others'

Cerebra has 1 product in Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others market

Security Awareness Computer-Based Training

The SACBT market is characterized by vendor offerings that include one or more of the following capabilities: Ready-to-use training and educational content; Employee testing and knowledge checks; Availability in multiple languages, natively or through subtitling or partial translation (in many cases, language support is diverse and localized); Phishing and other social engineering attack simulations; Platform and awareness analytics to help measure the efficacy of the awareness program. Training modules are available as cloud-hosted SaaS applications or on-premises deployments via client-managed learning management systems (LMSs), and also support the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standard, enabling integration with corporate LMSs.

Cerebra has 2 products in Security Awareness Computer-Based Training market

User Authentication

Gartner defines user authentication as the journey-time process that provides credence in a claim to an identity established for a person for access to digital assets. User authentication is delivered by some combination of (a) an authenticator, (b) signals evaluation and (c) an authentication decision point, which may be from different vendors. User authentication is used to provide credence in an identity claim for a person already known to an organization. The credence must be sufficient to bring account takeover (ATO) risks within the organization’s risk tolerance. User authentication is foundational to and protects the value of other functions with an organization’s identity fabric, namely: runtime authorization, especially segregation of duties (SOD); audit (individual accountability); and identity analytics.

Cerebra has 1 product in User Authentication market