432 Reviews (All time)
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Cofense is present in 3 markets with 5 products. Cofense has 432 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.3.

Email Security Platform

Email security refers collectively to the prediction, prevention, detection and response framework used to provide attack protection and access protection for email. Email security spans gateways, email systems, user behavior, content security, and various supporting processes, services and adjacent security architecture. Effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations, but also having the right operational procedures in place.

Cofense has 3 products in Email Security Platform market

Security Awareness Computer-Based Training

The SACBT market is characterized by vendor offerings that include one or more of the following capabilities: Ready-to-use training and educational content; Employee testing and knowledge checks; Availability in multiple languages, natively or through subtitling or partial translation (in many cases, language support is diverse and localized); Phishing and other social engineering attack simulations; Platform and awareness analytics to help measure the efficacy of the awareness program. Training modules are available as cloud-hosted SaaS applications or on-premises deployments via client-managed learning management systems (LMSs), and also support the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standard, enabling integration with corporate LMSs.

Cofense has 1 product in Security Awareness Computer-Based Training market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

Cofense has 1 product in Security Solutions - Others market