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Cyphort is present in 1 market with 1 product. Cyphort has 2 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Network Sandboxing

Network-based sandboxing is a proven technique for detecting malware and targeted attacks. Network sandboxes monitor network traffic for suspicious objects and automatically submit them to the sandbox environment, where they are analyzed and assigned malware probability scores and severity ratings. Sandboxing technology has been used for years by malware researchers at security companies and even in some large enterprises that are highly security conscious. Traditionally, using a sandbox has been an intensive effort requiring advanced skills. The malware researcher manually submits a suspicious object into the sandbox and analyzes it before flagging it as malware or not. By adding automated features to sandboxing technology (automatically submitting suspicious objects and automatically generating alerts).

Cyphort has 1 product in Network Sandboxing market