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Delphix is present in 3 markets with 5 products. Delphix has 103 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Data Masking

Data masking is based on the premise that sensitive data can be transformed into less sensitive but still useful data. This is necessary to satisfy application testing use cases that require representative and coherent data, as well as analytics that involve the use of aggregate data for scoring, model building and statistical reporting. The market for data protection, DM included, continues to evolve with technologies designed to redact, anonymize, pseudonymize, or in some way deidentify data in order to protect it against confidentiality or privacy risk.

Delphix has 1 product in Data Masking market

Elevating Test Data Management for DevOps

Elevating Test Data Management for DevOps is the process of providing DevOps teams with test data to evaluate the performance, and functionality of applications. This process typically includes copying production data, anonymization or masking, and, sometimes, virtualization. In some cases, specialized techniques, such as synthetic data generation, are appropriate. With that, it applies data masking techniques to protect sensitive data, including PII, PHI, PCI, and other corporate confidential information, from fraud and unauthorized access while preserving contextual meaning.

Delphix has 1 product in Elevating Test Data Management for DevOps market

Structured Data Archiving and Application Retirement

The structured data archiving and application retirement market is identified by an array of technology solutions that manage the life cycle of application-generated data and accommodate corporate and regulatory compliance requirements. Application-generated data is inclusive of databases and related unstructured data. SDA solutions focus on improving the storage efficiency of data generated by on-premises and cloud-based applications and orchestrating the retirement of legacy application data and their infrastructure. The SDA market includes solutions that can be deployed on-premises, and on private and public infrastructure, and includes managed services offerings such as SaaS or PaaS.

Delphix has 3 products in Structured Data Archiving and Application Retirement market