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Easy Software is present in 1 market with 1 product. Easy Software has 13 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

Adaptive Project Management and Reporting

The adaptive project management and reporting (APMR) market is defined by technologies that can support multiple delivery models to optimize project management practices and complex resource management needs across an organization. These tools promote continuous collaboration and unification of diverse and distributed teams. To support accelerating rates of change and continuous value delivery, these tools adapt to changing customer needs and governance approaches across multiple organizational designs and operating models. They provide multiple execution approaches that are grounded in value-based decision making and the time-to-value perceptions of their customers. Organizations need tools to support the integration of traditional development practices alongside agile, adaptive and hybrid ways of working while driving high levels of productivity from contributors and team members. The dynamic and complex multiple organizational operating model design of all organizations makes the correct governance approach imperative, yet difficult to achieve. To drive organizationwide outcomes, APMR tools need to support adaptive decision making without incurring additional bureaucracy.

Easy Software has 1 product in Adaptive Project Management and Reporting market