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F5 is present in 18 markets with 41 products. F5 has 1192 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

AI-Augmented Software-Testing Tools

Gartner defines AI-augmented software testing tools as enablers of continuous, self-optimizing and adaptive automated testing through the use of AI technologies. The capabilities run the gamut of the testing life cycle including test scenario and test case generation, test automation generation, test suite optimization and prioritization, test analysis and defect prediction as well as test effort estimation and decision making. These tools help software engineering teams to increase test coverage, test efficacy and robustness. They assist humans in their testing efforts and reduce the need for human intervention in the different phases of testing.

F5 has 1 product in AI-Augmented Software-Testing Tools market

API Protection

API protection products protect APIs from exploits, abuse and access violations, and assist in remediating API exposures. These products perform API discovery and posture management and provide runtime protection. API protection products may be delivered as cloud-based or on-premises solutions. API protection products serve to provide capabilities to organizations that need to protect their data assets primarily from attacks against the first-party APIs they expose publicly. They also need to provide coverage for the internal APIs and the third-party APIs that they may consume. API products deliver a catalog of inventoried APIs, a prioritized list of remediations of API exposures and alerts on suspicious or malicious activity on APIs.

F5 has 1 product in API Protection market

Application Delivery Controllers

The application delivery controller is a key component within enterprise and cloud data centers to improve availability, security and performance of applications. Application delivery controllers (ADCs) provide functions that optimize delivery of enterprise applications across the network. ADCs provide functionality for both user-to-application and application-to-application traffic, and effectively bridge the gap between the application and underlying protocols and traditional packet-based networks. This market evolved from the load-balancing systems that were developed in the latter half of the 1990s to ensure the availability and scalability of websites. Enterprises use ADCs today to improve the availability, scalability, end-user performance, data center resource utilization, security of their applications.

F5 has 7 products in Application Delivery Controllers market

Application Development, Integration and Management - Others

Reviews for 'Application Development, Integration and Management - Others'

F5 has 2 products in Application Development, Integration and Management - Others market

Cloud Web Application and API Protection

Gartner defines cloud WAAP as a category of security solutions designed to protect web applications irrespective of their hosted locations. Typically delivered as a service, cloud WAAP is offered as a series of security modules that provide protection from a broad range of runtime attacks. It offers protection from the Top 10 web application security risks defined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and automated threats, provides API security, and can detect and protect against multiple sophisticated Layer 7 attacks targeted at web applications. Cloud WAAP’s core features include web application firewall (WAF), bot management, distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation and API protection.

F5 has 4 products in Cloud Web Application and API Protection market

DDoS Mitigation Solutions

The market for distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation includes vendors that detect and mitigate DDoS attacks and offer it as a dedicated offering. It includes specialty vendors, whose primary focus is DDoS mitigation, as well as providers that offer DDoS mitigation as a feature of other services. These include dedicated appliance-based vendors, communication service providers (CSPs), content delivery network (CDN) vendors, hosting providers and cloud infrastructure and platform services (CIPS) vendors.

F5 has 1 product in DDoS Mitigation Solutions market

Data Center and Cloud Networking

The data center and cloud networking vendors covered in this market provide hardware and/or software solutions to deliver connectivity primarily within enterprise data centers. This includes data center core/spine switches, access switches (top of rack [ToR], leaf), virtual switching, Ethernet fabrics, network operating systems (NOSs) and network overlays, and the requisite management, automation and orchestration of those components.

F5 has 1 product in Data Center and Cloud Networking market

Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others

Reviews for 'Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others'

F5 has 1 product in Enterprise Networking and Communications - Others market

Enterprise Video Content Management

Enterprise video content management (EVCM) comprises products intended to manage and facilitate the delivery of one-to-any, on-demand or live video across internet protocols. It may also include associated network services - content delivery networks (CDN) or enterprise content delivery networks (ECDN) - intended to facilitate the delivery of video. EVCM serves workers and customers who need to watch - and workers who need to share - videos.

F5 has 2 products in Enterprise Video Content Management market

IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others

Reviews for 'IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others'

F5 has 2 products in IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others market

In-App Protection

The In-app protection market refers to security solutions implemented within the application (instead of the network or the operating system, for example) to make the application more resistant to attacks such as malicious data exfiltration, intrusion, tampering, and reverse engineering. Enterprises use in-app protection to safeguard their software-based assets and to protect their organization and customers from fraudulent attacks.

F5 has 3 products in In-App Protection market

Multicloud Networking Software

MCNS enables the design, deployment and operation of a network in multiple public cloud environments. MCNS products enable consistent networking policy, network security, governance and network visibility across multiple cloud environments via a single point of management. Organizations can deploy MCNS in one or multiple public cloud environments, and can extend the software to support edge locations and private data centers. MCNS products address traffic routing, secure ingress/egress and integrate with available public cloud services. These products can help improve network manageability, security and visibility in single-cloud, multicloud, hybrid/multicloud and extranet connectivity scenarios. Organizations typically invest in MCNS to add network features that are not present in native public cloud provider offerings and/or improve networking manageability in the environment(s).

F5 has 1 product in Multicloud Networking Software market

Network Firewalls

Gartner defines the network firewall market as the market for firewalls that use bidirectional stateful traffic inspection (for both egress and ingress) to secure networks. Network firewalls are enforced through hardware, virtual appliances and cloud-native controls. Network firewalls are used to secure networks. These can be on-premises, hybrid (on-premises and cloud), public cloud or private cloud networks. Network firewall products support different deployment use cases, such as for perimeters, midsize enterprises, data centers, clouds, cloud-native and distributed offices.

F5 has 1 product in Network Firewalls market

Online Fraud Detection

Gartner defines the OFD market as the market for solutions that detect and prevent fraudulent actions within digital channels (browsers and mobile apps). OFD solutions provide a spectrum of capabilities within digital channels to prevent direct and indirect financial losses and to mitigate risks. Their core capabilities: Mitigate the activity of malicious automated bots; Detect account takeover (ATO) attacks and trigger remedial actions; Detect fraudulent activity in high-risk events along the digital customer journey, such as when customers make payments, transfer funds, perform account management actions or access personally identifiable information (PII).

F5 has 3 products in Online Fraud Detection market

Penetration Testing Tools

Penetration Testing tools and services are designed to test vulnerabilities and weaknesses within computer systems and applications by simulating a cyber attack on a computer system, network, or web application. Companies conduct penetration tests to uncover new defects and test the security of communication channels and integrations. These tools and services either use vulnerability scanners or conduct manual/automated tests that scan networks and systems for open ports, and services and conduct vulnerability assessments to find any software lapse that may prove a route of attack on the system later. Further, the identified vulnerabilities are exploited to gain unauthorized access to systems or data and they try to escalate or pivot to key assets to have a better understanding about the impact of a specific attack. The process ends with generating a detailed and comprehensive testing report that describes, gives evidence for, assesses the risk, and recommends the solution to any vulnerability found. Typically, these are used by security professionals and ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities, evaluate risks or/and validate controls, understanding how the cyber-attacks work, and test the effectiveness of security measures.

F5 has 1 product in Penetration Testing Tools market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

F5 has 6 products in Security Solutions - Others market

Service Mesh

Gartner defines the service mesh market as the market for distributed computing middleware that enables, secures and optimizes communications between services running primarily in container management systems. A service mesh provides lightweight mediation, dynamic service discovery, request routing, observability, traceability and communication security. The service mesh is a technology that provides software infrastructure for communications between distributed application components deployed mainly in container management systems such as Kubernetes. This type of middleware helps manage and monitor service-to-service (east-west) communications, especially among microservices within an application domain. It also provides visibility into service interactions, enabling proactive operations and faster diagnostics. It automates complex communication concerns, thereby improving security, developer productivity and ensuring that standards and policies are enforced consistently across applications.

F5 has 3 products in Service Mesh market

WAN Optimization

Gartner defines WAN optimization tools as products that improve the performance of applications running across the WAN as well as reduce WAN service expenses. WAN optimization solutions continue to evolve, and now support four high-level needs: improving the response times for users of business-critical applications over WAN links or mobile connections; assisting in maximizing ROI for WAN bandwidth; optimizing data-center-to-data-center (DC-to-DC) traffic for faster storage replication and synchronization; and assisting in directing traffic across multiple WANS, such as a hybrid WAN or public cloud connectivity.

F5 has 1 product in WAN Optimization market