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FaceUp is present in 1 market with 1 product. FaceUp has 12 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.8.

Whistleblowing Software

Whistleblowing Software, also known as Anonymous Reporting Software or Ethics Hotline Software, is designed to facilitate the reporting of misconduct, fraud or other unethical behavior within an organisation. It allows employees, customers or other stakeholders to report concerns or wrongdoing through multiple reporting channels such as mobile apps, web forms, email and/or chat while maintaining their anonymity. It also enables organizations to assign cases to investigators, track progress through reporting and analytics and ensure timely resolution. Other benefits include increased compliance with laws and regulations, reduced risk of financial loss and reputational damage, and improved employee morale by creating a culture where employees feel safe and comfortable reporting wrongdoing.

FaceUp has 1 product in Whistleblowing Software market