17 Reviews (All time)
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Browse Grazitti Interactive Reviews

Grazitti Interactive is present in 2 markets with 2 products. Grazitti Interactive has 17 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.4.

Application Development, Integration and Management - Others

Reviews for 'Application Development, Integration and Management - Others'

Grazitti Interactive has 1 product in Application Development, Integration and Management - Others market

Insight Engines

Gartner defines Insight Engines as follows: Insight engines apply relevancy methods to discover, analyze, describe and organize content and data. They enable the interactive or proactive delivery or synthesis of information to people, and data to machines, in the context of their respective business moments. Insight engines should be viewed as platforms on which applications are provided, developed or augmented by applying the capabilities listed above to specific employee and customer experience use cases. Such applications are provided out of the box by vendors (e.g., intranet or site search), developed through technical partnerships (e.g., search within third-party applications), developed with customers in-house (e.g., expert finder), or developed through integration with third-party applications (e.g., extracting data from documents to support RPA).

Grazitti Interactive has 1 product in Insight Engines market