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Group-IB is present in 9 markets with 10 products. Group-IB has 114 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services

Digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) services help organizations identify the extent of, and deal with security incident investigations, forensic response and triage, and security breaches. They generally offer a combination of digital forensics (DF), incident response (IR) and related proactive and reactive security services. DFIR is mostly delivered as a retainer-based service, and is intended to work with the end user’s in-house DFIR processes and procedures.

Group-IB has 1 product in Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services market

Email Security Platform

Email security refers collectively to the prediction, prevention, detection and response framework used to provide attack protection and access protection for email. Email security spans gateways, email systems, user behavior, content security, and various supporting processes, services and adjacent security architecture. Effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations, but also having the right operational procedures in place.

Group-IB has 1 product in Email Security Platform market

Endpoint Protection Platforms

Gartner defines an endpoint protection platform (EPP) as security software designed to protect managed endpoints — including desktop PCs, laptop PCs, mobile devices and, in some cases, server endpoints — against known and unknown malicious attacks. EPPs provide capabilities for security teams to investigate and remediate incidents that evade prevention controls. EPP products are delivered as software agents, deployed to endpoints, and connected to centralized security analytics and management consoles. EPPs provide a defensive security control to protect end-user endpoints against known and unknown malware infections using a combination of security techniques (such as static and behavioral analysis) and system controls (such as device control and host firewall management). EPP prevention and protection capabilities are deployed as a part of a defense-in-depth strategy to help reduce the attack surface and minimize the risk of endpoint compromise. EPP detection and response capabilities are used to uncover, investigate, and respond to endpoint threats that evade security prevention, often as a part of broader security operations platforms.

Group-IB has 1 product in Endpoint Protection Platforms market

External Attack Surface Management

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) refers to the processes, technology and managed services deployed to discover internet-facing enterprise assets and systems and associated exposures which include misconfigured public cloud services and servers, exposed enterprise data such as credentials and third-party partner software code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries. EASM provides valuable risk prioritization and context and actionable information through regular or continuously monitoring and discovery for external-facing assets and systems. External attack surface management is a top priority for security teams and security risk managers.

Group-IB has 1 product in External Attack Surface Management market

Network Detection and Response

Network detection and response (NDR) products detect abnormal system behaviors by applying behavioral analytics to network traffic data. They continuously analyze raw network packets or traffic metadata within internal networks (east-west) and between internal and external networks (north-south). NDR products include automated responses, such as host containment or traffic blocking, directly or through integration with other cybersecurity tools. NDR can be delivered as a combination of hardware and software appliances for sensors, some with IaaS support. Management and orchestration consoles can be software or SaaS.

Group-IB has 1 product in Network Detection and Response market

Network Sandboxing

Network-based sandboxing is a proven technique for detecting malware and targeted attacks. Network sandboxes monitor network traffic for suspicious objects and automatically submit them to the sandbox environment, where they are analyzed and assigned malware probability scores and severity ratings. Sandboxing technology has been used for years by malware researchers at security companies and even in some large enterprises that are highly security conscious. Traditionally, using a sandbox has been an intensive effort requiring advanced skills. The malware researcher manually submits a suspicious object into the sandbox and analyzes it before flagging it as malware or not. By adding automated features to sandboxing technology (automatically submitting suspicious objects and automatically generating alerts).

Group-IB has 1 product in Network Sandboxing market

Online Fraud Detection

Gartner defines the OFD market as the market for solutions that detect and prevent fraudulent actions within digital channels (browsers and mobile apps). OFD solutions provide a spectrum of capabilities within digital channels to prevent direct and indirect financial losses and to mitigate risks. Their core capabilities: Mitigate the activity of malicious automated bots; Detect account takeover (ATO) attacks and trigger remedial actions; Detect fraudulent activity in high-risk events along the digital customer journey, such as when customers make payments, transfer funds, perform account management actions or access personally identifiable information (PII).

Group-IB has 1 product in Online Fraud Detection market

Security Consulting Services, Worldwide

Security consulting firms are advisory and consulting services (see 'Definition: Cybersecurity' ) related to information and IT security design, evaluation and recommendations. These services are procured by various stakeholders in an organization, including boards of directors, CEOs, chief risk officers (CROs), chief information security officers (CISOs), chief information officers (CIOs), and other business and IT leaders for the purpose of obtaining and ensuring acceptable risk levels for a specific client organization.

Group-IB has 1 product in Security Consulting Services, Worldwide market

Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services

The security threat intelligence products and services market refers to the combination of products and services that deliver knowledge (context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and action-oriented advice), information and data about cybersecurity threats, threat actors and other cybersecurity-related issues. The output of these products and services aims to provide or assist in the curation of information about the identities, motivations, characteristics and methods of threats, commonly referred to as tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). The intent is to enable better decision making and improve security technology capabilities to reduce the likelihood and impact of a potential compromise. Threat intelligence (TI) products and services support the different stages of a TI process life cycle. In particular, this involves defining the aims and objectives, collecting and processing intelligence originating from various sources, analyzing and disseminating it to different stakeholders within the organization, and regularly providing feedback on the entire process. These products and services support ongoing security investigations and assist in preventing future breaches by prioritizing infrastructure hardening. TI tools and services are most commonly cloud-based products and services, but can also be delivered “as a service.”

Group-IB has 2 products in Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services market