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Haltdos is present in 3 markets with 3 products. Haltdos has 4 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.7.

Cloud Computing - Others

Reviews for 'Cloud Computing - Others'

Haltdos has 1 product in Cloud Computing - Others market

Cloud Web Application and API Protection

Gartner defines cloud WAAP as a category of security solutions designed to protect web applications irrespective of their hosted locations. Typically delivered as a service, cloud WAAP is offered as a series of security modules that provide protection from a broad range of runtime attacks. It offers protection from the Top 10 web application security risks defined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and automated threats, provides API security, and can detect and protect against multiple sophisticated Layer 7 attacks targeted at web applications. Cloud WAAP’s core features include web application firewall (WAF), bot management, distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation and API protection.

Haltdos has 1 product in Cloud Web Application and API Protection market

DDoS Mitigation Solutions

The market for distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation includes vendors that detect and mitigate DDoS attacks and offer it as a dedicated offering. It includes specialty vendors, whose primary focus is DDoS mitigation, as well as providers that offer DDoS mitigation as a feature of other services. These include dedicated appliance-based vendors, communication service providers (CSPs), content delivery network (CDN) vendors, hosting providers and cloud infrastructure and platform services (CIPS) vendors.

Haltdos has 1 product in DDoS Mitigation Solutions market