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Heimdal is present in 3 markets with 5 products. Heimdal has 40 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.4.

Endpoint Protection Platforms

Gartner defines an endpoint protection platform (EPP) as security software designed to protect managed endpoints — including desktop PCs, laptop PCs, mobile devices and, in some cases, server endpoints — against known and unknown malicious attacks. EPPs provide capabilities for security teams to investigate and remediate incidents that evade prevention controls. EPP products are delivered as software agents, deployed to endpoints, and connected to centralized security analytics and management consoles. EPPs provide a defensive security control to protect end-user endpoints against known and unknown malware infections using a combination of security techniques (such as static and behavioral analysis) and system controls (such as device control and host firewall management). EPP prevention and protection capabilities are deployed as a part of a defense-in-depth strategy to help reduce the attack surface and minimize the risk of endpoint compromise. EPP detection and response capabilities are used to uncover, investigate, and respond to endpoint threats that evade security prevention, often as a part of broader security operations platforms.

Heimdal has 3 products in Endpoint Protection Platforms market

IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others

Reviews for 'IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others'

Heimdal has 1 product in IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others market

Privileged Access Management

Gartner defines privileged access management (PAM) as tools that provide an elevated level of technical access through the management and protection of accounts, credentials and commands, which are used to administer or configure systems and applications. PAM tools — available as software, SaaS or hardware appliances — manage privileged access for both people (system administrators and others) and machines (systems or applications). Gartner defines four distinct tool categories for PAM tools: privileged account and session management (PASM), privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM), secrets management, and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM).

Heimdal has 1 product in Privileged Access Management market