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HGS is present in 2 markets with 2 products. HGS has 9 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.8.

Customer Management BPO Service Providers

Gartner's definition of business process outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business activities; specifically, BPO contracts that always include the outsourcing of business process administration to a third-party service provider, which may include outsourcing the infrastructure along with application maintenance and ownership. Customer management (CM) contact center BPO is the processes linking an organization with its existing and potential customers (such as marketing, sales and customer services), which can be categorized in four subsegments: *customer selection *customer acquisition, * customer retention *customer extension. The four subsegments should also consistently be executed across the following five primary channels: * telephony * business process as a service (BPaaS) * email response management * web/mobile chat * knowledge management for web and mobile-based self-service.

HGS has 1 product in Customer Management BPO Service Providers market

Customer Service BPO

Gartner defines the customer service business process outsourcing (CS BPO) market as the delegation of customer service (CS) business process activities to support existing and potential clients to a third-party service provider. The services provided may include digital services, assisted channel services, technology and system integration, infrastructure, software development and design, reporting and analytics, and business process management.

HGS has 1 product in Customer Service BPO market