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iGrafx is present in 4 markets with 4 products. iGrafx has 210 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Business Process Automation Tools

Gartner defines business process automation (BPA) tools as software that automates business processes by enabling orchestration and choreography of diverse sets of actors (humans, systems and bots) involved in the execution of the process. BPA tools provide an environment for developing and running applications that incorporate process models (and optionally other business, decision and data models) enabling digitization of business operations

iGrafx has 1 product in Business Process Automation Tools market

Enterprise Business Process Analysis Tools


EBPA is a comprehensive approach toward business and process modeling aimed at transforming and improving business performance with an emphasis on cross-viewpoint (strategy, analysis, architecture, automation), cross-functional analysis to support strategic and operational decisions.

iGrafx has 1 product in Enterprise Business Process Analysis Tools market

Process Mining Platforms

Process mining platforms are designed to discover, monitor and improve processes by extracting knowledge from events captured in information systems to continuously deliver visibility and insights. Process mining includes automated process discovery (extracting process models from an event log), conformance checking (monitoring deviations by comparing model and log), social network/organizational mining, automated construction of simulation models, model extension, model repair, case prediction and history-based recommendations. Process mining platforms extend process mining capabilities by advanced process analytics, process improvement detection and process improvement recommendations, partly driven by AI and generative AI (GenAI).

iGrafx has 1 product in Process Mining Platforms market

Technologies Supporting a Digital Twin of an Organization

A digital twin of an organization (DTO) is a dynamic software model of any organization that relies on operational and contextual data to understand how an organization operationalizes its business model, connects with its current state, responds to changes, deploys resources and delivers customer value.

iGrafx has 1 product in Technologies Supporting a Digital Twin of an Organization market