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impact.com is present in 2 markets with 2 products. impact.com has 4 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.

Ad Verification Tools

Ad verification tools are designed to ensure that digital advertisements meet specified criteria and standards. These tools help advertisers and publishers verify that their ads are being displayed in the intended manner, context, and environment. They check for issues such as ad fraud, viewability, brand safety, and compliance with targeting parameters. By providing detailed reports and analytics, ad verification tools help optimize ad performance, ensure transparency, and protect the integrity of advertising campaigns.

impact.com has 1 product in Ad Verification Tools market

Affiliate Marketing Platforms

Affiliate Marketing Platforms (Affiliate Marketing Network) are digital environments that facilitate the partnership between advertisers (businesses) and affiliates in a structured and manageable way. Affiliates can include individual bloggers, content creators, influencers, and social media users. These affiliate networks offer the necessary tools and infrastructure for tracking, reporting, and financial transactions through different payment methods to ensure accurate attribution of sales, leads, or affiliate links to the affiliates responsible for them. They serve as intermediaries that help manage the relationship between both parties, including the recruitment of affiliates, the provision of promotional materials, and the processing of commission payments. These platforms are essential for scaling affiliate marketing programs efficiently, providing a seamless and user friendly interface for both businesses to expand their reach and for affiliates to find profitable opportunities in promoting products (including digital products & physical products) or services.

impact.com has 1 product in Affiliate Marketing Platforms market