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InterSystems is present in 8 markets with 10 products. InterSystems has 799 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Application Integration Platforms

'Application integration platforms enable independently designed applications, apps and services to work together. Key capabilities of application integration technologies include: • Communication functionality that reliably moves messages/data among endpoints. • Support for fundamental web and web services standards. • Functionality that dynamically binds consumer and provider endpoints. • Message validation, mapping, transformation and enrichment. • Orchestration. • Support for multiple interaction patterns, content-based routing and typed messages.

InterSystems has 1 product in Application Integration Platforms market

Cloud Database Management Systems

Gartner defines the market for cloud database management systems (DBMSs) as the market for software products that store and manipulate data and that are primarily delivered as software as a service (SaaS) in the cloud. Cloud DBMSs may optionally be capable of running on-premises, or in hybrid, multicloud or intercloud configurations. They can be used for transactional and/or analytical work. They may have features that enable them to participate in a wider data ecosystem. They typically persist data using proprietary components in a durable manner, enabling a full range of create, read, update and delete operations.

InterSystems has 2 products in Cloud Database Management Systems market

Data and Analytics - Others

Reviews for 'Data and Analytics - Others'

InterSystems has 1 product in Data and Analytics - Others market

Digital Health Platforms

DHP technologies, which are an example of an industry cloud-platform-specific technology for healthcare, enable a new architectural approach to deploy digital capabilities using modern cloud services rapidly. The DHP approach enables a CIO to adjust the application portfolio at the pace of business change. It puts the organization on a path to faster value realization when responding to strategic imperatives and external uncertainties.

InterSystems has 2 products in Digital Health Platforms market

Enterprise Electronic Health Record Solutions

An EHR is an integrated clinical information system that contains patient-centric, electronically maintained information about an individual’s health status and care. It focuses on tasks and events directly related to patient care and is predominantly used by clinicians. The electronic patient record (EPR) and electronic medical record (EMR) are synonymous terms used outside of the U.S. in countries like the U.K., Australia and New Zealand. An “enterprise EHR” provides functionality for all healthcare providers’ care settings, including specialty areas and associated patient administration functions. In particular, it minimally provides functionality for acute care settings, such as the medical/surgical wards, emergency departments, intensive care units (ICUs), operating theaters and attached clinics, and outpatient and ambulatory settings of the hospital.

InterSystems has 1 product in Enterprise Electronic Health Record Solutions market

Next-Generation Interactive Patient Care

Next-generation interactive patient care is a digital platform that extends IPC beyond its traditional in-patient engagement role in acute care settings. It engages the patient, family members and caregivers across the entire care continuum — home, ambulatory, acute and postacute. It retains many of the capabilities of first-generation IPC systems while being increasingly interoperable with applications and systems within the care team collaboration (CTC) application ecosystem.

InterSystems has 1 product in Next-Generation Interactive Patient Care market

Revenue Cycle Management Software

Gartner defines revenue cycle management (RCM) software as healthcare financial software that tracks and captures revenue received from patients and healthcare payers related to an episode of care. The software combines the administrative and clinical aspects of healthcare delivery by coupling patient financial and clinical data required for reimbursement. The revenue cycle management process begins at the time of patient scheduling, and it includes the process of obtaining eligibility, prior authorization, billing and collections and ends with account reconciliation. This market definition includes offerings from enterprise RCM vendors and consists primarily of vendors selling stand-alone software solutions. Healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) use RCM software to streamline and automate their encounter-based financial workflows and billing processes. The software enables patient access, claims submission, accounts receivable (AR) management, and federal and state regulatory compliance. When implemented in conjunction with an electronic health record (EHR) system, RCM software unifies administrative and clinical data for HDOs. This results in enhanced patient engagement; higher staff utilization; enhanced financial planning; reduced fraud, waste and abuse; and improved revenue capture.

InterSystems has 1 product in Revenue Cycle Management Software market

U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Provider Data Management Applications

A PDM application is a payer-industry-specific solution that helps payers’ IT and business teams. It also helps: - Manage complex data combinations for in and out of network providers. - Organize and manage required provider data by specialty types, business and legal entity structure, provider demographic information, and their affiliations to practice locations. - Validate the demographic and contract data of providers for payer administrative purposes, such as provider directory creation, medical shopping tools and claims payments. - Continually monitor provider data sources and alert healthcare organizations of provider data discrepancies and inaccuracies with data changes.

InterSystems has 1 product in U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Provider Data Management Applications market