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ION is present in 3 markets with 5 products. ION has 13 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

Energy Trading and Risk Management Systems

An energy trading and risk management (ETRM) system is a software solution that can capture and manage wholesale energy market transactions, from execution to settlement, invoicing, managing, reporting market and credit exposures, and market integration for energy commodities. The ETRM market comprises ETRM systems and other related solutions. The ETRM system is an application or modular suite of applications used to manage a company’s position in one or more commodities. It typically provides all capabilities (from trade capture to invoicing, including risk management and reporting) for front, middle and back office in energy companies. It is the system of record for both physical and financial wholesale energy transactions, from trade to invoice and settlement.

ION has 3 products in Energy Trading and Risk Management Systems market

Supply Chain Planning Solutions

Gartner defines supply chain planning (SCP) solutions as platforms that provide technological support to enable a company to manage, link, align, collaborate and share its planning data across an extended supply chain. An SCP solution supports planning, ranging from demand planning through detailed supply-side response planning and from strategic planning through execution-level planning. It is the planning decision repository for a defined end-to-end supply chain. It is also the environment in which end-to-end-integrated supply chain decisions are managed. It establishes a single version of the truth for planning data and decisions, regardless of the underlying execution technology environment. Organizations use SCP solutions to improve their supply chain planning decisions and reach higher levels of maturity.

ION has 1 product in Supply Chain Planning Solutions market

Treasury Management Systems

A treasury management system is an enterprise software application that automates the process of managing a company's financial operations. It helps companies to manage their financial activities, such as cash flow, assets, and investments, automatically. The reporting functionality offers an overview of the treasury's financial activity and focus areas, while the interface functionality facilitates communication with banking partners, trading platforms, and financial systems. Additionally, the accounting capability can be leveraged for creating journal entries based on financial market activity for the company's ERP general ledger. Treasury departments, finance teams, and other financial professionals are common users of these systems.

ION has 1 product in Treasury Management Systems market