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Browse Linewize (Smoothwall) Reviews

Linewize (Smoothwall) is present in 1 market with 1 product. Linewize (Smoothwall) has 7 reviews with an overall average rating of 3.1.

Network Firewalls

Gartner defines the network firewall market as the market for firewalls that use bidirectional stateful traffic inspection (for both egress and ingress) to secure networks. Network firewalls are enforced through hardware, virtual appliances and cloud-native controls. Network firewalls are used to secure networks. These can be on-premises, hybrid (on-premises and cloud), public cloud or private cloud networks. Network firewall products support different deployment use cases, such as for perimeters, midsize enterprises, data centers, clouds, cloud-native and distributed offices.

Linewize (Smoothwall) has 1 product in Network Firewalls market