Gartner defines a secure enterprise browser (SEB) as a solution that delivers enterprise security policies and controls through a centrally managed custom web browser, plug-in or browser extension. SEBs provide security and policy enforcement for web, SaaS and private applications, as well as browser hardening delivered through the browser rather than at the endpoint OS or network level. SEBs also enable visibility, control and auditability of web application data accessed by end users from managed or unmanaged devices without the need for in-line decryption of web traffic.
Gartner defines security service edge (SSE) as a solution that secures access to the web, cloud services and private applications regardless of the location of the user or the device they are using or where that application is hosted. SSE protects users from malicious and inappropriate content on the web and provides enhanced security and visibility for the SaaS and private applications accessed by end users. Security service edge provides a primarily cloud-delivered solution to control access from end users and edge devices to applications (private or delivered via SaaS) as well as websites (and to a lesser extent general internet traffic). It enables a hybrid workforce more efficiently than traditional on-premises solutions. Capabilities integrated across multiple traffic types and destinations allow a more seamless experience for both users and admins while maintaining a consistent security stance.