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Northbeam is present in 1 market with 1 product. Northbeam has 1 review with an overall average rating of 3.

Multi-Touch Attribution Software

Multi-touch attribution software is used in marketing to evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing channels and touchpoints in a customer's journey towards a conversion (like a sale or a sign-up). It tracks and analyzes the various interactions a customer has with a brand across different channels (like email, social media, ads) and assigns value to each touchpoint (like paid advertising, organic search, email marketing, content marketing and offline channels), helping to understand which marketing efforts are most effective in leading to conversions. It also offers real time reporting capabilities to enable quick decision making through insights generation and integrates data from various CRM systems to provide a comprehensive view of marketing efforts. It helps businesses make data-driven decisions about where to allocate their marketing resources for maximum impact.

Northbeam has 1 product in Multi-Touch Attribution Software market