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PandaDoc is present in 4 markets with 4 products. PandaDoc has 352 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

Configure, Price and Quote Applications

Gartner defines configure, price and quote (CPQ) applications as software that enables sales organizations to automate and optimize the creation of quotes and capture of orders. A CPQ application is a sales tool that captures the new goods and services a customer wants to buy or the changes a customer wants to make to existing goods and services. While generally focused on assisted sales channels, CPQ capabilities such as product configuration and pricing must be shared with the self-service commerce channel. The new purchases and changes must be priced, and a binding contract must be formed with the customer before sending an order to downstream fulfillment systems.

PandaDoc has 1 product in Configure, Price and Quote Applications market

E-Notary Software

E-notary software is a digital platform designed for remote notarization of documents. It facilitates that through electronic verification of signatories' identities, typically through video calls, and by applying electronic signatures and notary seals to digital documents. It also ensures electronic transactions' validity and legal compliance, making it convenient and efficient for users including individuals, businesses, real estate professionals, and legal professionals to notarize documents without physical presence. It is used for various document types, such as contracts, real estate transactions, and legal agreements.

PandaDoc has 1 product in E-Notary Software market

Electronic Signature

Electronic signatures are a digital representation of an individual’s agreement that is intended to be the equivalent of a “wet” signature. Electronic signatures encompass a set of methods that can be applied to a digital document to capture intent to sign, and consent to sign electronically. They do this by electronically gathering metadata related to all signing events, and creating an audit trail that is cryptographically sealed to ensure document authenticity, nonrepudiation and integrity of the electronically signed document. This audit trail may also contain various supporting evidence of the individuals signing the document, such as names, email addresses, identity proofing and authentication steps. Evidence details may vary with each product, but the audit trail provides evidence to support the legal value of the document. A digital signature (as it relates to document signing) is a type of electronic signature that, in addition to the requirements of an electronic signature, also requires that each signer sign the document with a digital certificate that is explicitly issued to them.

PandaDoc has 1 product in Electronic Signature market

RFP Response Management Applications

Gartner defines RFP Response Management (RRM) applications as software that enables the seller to streamline and automate the creation, issuance, and management of RFP and RFI responses. These applications serve as a repository of RFP response elements and offer templates for crafting customized responses. They enhance collaboration among stakeholders through features such as knowledge management, co-editing, version control and task management. Used by sales, marketing, procurement, product, and service departments, these applications ensure prospects receive high-quality, current information about products, services and the company. These applications are integrated with sales force automation (SFA) platforms and content services platforms. The primary function of an RRM is to help sellers optimize the RFP response process, with the ultimate goal of efficiently increasing revenue generation. The RRM application fosters improved collaboration among various stakeholders, such as marketing, finance and product, by establishing a centralized knowledge repository. RRMs are capable of generating an initial RFP response within minutes, providing a robust starting point. The subsequent refinement of these initial drafts allows sellers to craft a unique and personalized value proposition, positioning their solution optimally for prospective buyers.

PandaDoc has 1 product in RFP Response Management Applications market