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Recorded Future is present in 4 markets with 4 products. Recorded Future has 276 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Brand Protection Software

Brand Protection software guards against suspicious listings and brand abuse networks that infringe on your intellectual property, sell counterfeit products and commit other online scams against your brand . This software continuously monitors and detects infringements including fake domains , third party sites, unauthorized apps and search engine results,thus helping in overcoming brand impersonation, minimizing monetary and reputational damage. Also, the analytics generated by brand protection software can be used to determine a brand's vulnerability and provide practical guidance on how to improve the brand's online presence, by providing holistic workflows and interactive report tracking to improve content management. Brand managers, marketing teams, and security teams addressing external threats to their social media accounts, reputation, online brand, and follower engagement are the predominant users.

Recorded Future has 1 product in Brand Protection Software market

External Attack Surface Management

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) refers to the processes, technology and managed services deployed to discover internet-facing enterprise assets and systems and associated exposures which include misconfigured public cloud services and servers, exposed enterprise data such as credentials and third-party partner software code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries. EASM provides valuable risk prioritization and context and actionable information through regular or continuously monitoring and discovery for external-facing assets and systems. External attack surface management is a top priority for security teams and security risk managers.

Recorded Future has 1 product in External Attack Surface Management market

IT Vendor Risk Management Solutions

Gartner defines IT vendor risk management (IT VRM) as the discipline of addressing the residual risk that businesses and governments face when working with external service providers, IT vendors and related third parties. The scope typically addresses risks related to data protection, business continuity, security and other risk domains as relevant to laws, regulation and industry practices.

Recorded Future has 1 product in IT Vendor Risk Management Solutions market

Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services

The security threat intelligence products and services market refers to the combination of products and services that deliver knowledge (context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and action-oriented advice), information and data about cybersecurity threats, threat actors and other cybersecurity-related issues. The output of these products and services aims to provide or assist in the curation of information about the identities, motivations, characteristics and methods of threats, commonly referred to as tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). The intent is to enable better decision making and improve security technology capabilities to reduce the likelihood and impact of a potential compromise. Threat intelligence (TI) products and services support the different stages of a TI process life cycle. In particular, this involves defining the aims and objectives, collecting and processing intelligence originating from various sources, analyzing and disseminating it to different stakeholders within the organization, and regularly providing feedback on the entire process. These products and services support ongoing security investigations and assist in preventing future breaches by prioritizing infrastructure hardening. TI tools and services are most commonly cloud-based products and services, but can also be delivered “as a service.”

Recorded Future has 1 product in Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services market