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Redgate is present in 3 markets with 3 products. Redgate has 69 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

Data Masking

Data masking is based on the premise that sensitive data can be transformed into less sensitive but still useful data. This is necessary to satisfy application testing use cases that require representative and coherent data, as well as analytics that involve the use of aggregate data for scoring, model building and statistical reporting. The market for data protection, DM included, continues to evolve with technologies designed to redact, anonymize, pseudonymize, or in some way deidentify data in order to protect it against confidentiality or privacy risk.

Redgate has 1 product in Data Masking market

Infrastructure Monitoring Tools

Infrastructure monitoring tools capture the health and resource utilization of IT infrastructure components, no matter where they reside (e.g., in a data center, at the edge, infrastructure as a service [IaaS] or platform as a service [PaaS] in the cloud). This enables I&O leaders to monitor and collate the availability and resource utilization data of physical and virtual entities — including servers, containers, network devices, database instances, hypervisors and storage. These tools collect data in real time and perform historical data analysis or trending of the elements they monitor.

Redgate has 1 product in Infrastructure Monitoring Tools market

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software

Integrated Development Environment software provides an interface to write code facilitating application development. IDEs provide programmers with tools to design, build, test, and debug software programs in a graphical user interface (GUI). The user can write and edit source code in the code editor. The compiler in the IDEs translates the source code into an executable language for the computer. The debugger helps examine the code to detect and solve any issues or bugs. Some of the IDEs have advanced features like refactoring, code search, data visualization, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools.

Redgate has 1 product in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software market