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Retarus is present in 3 markets with 3 products. Retarus has 37 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

B2B Gateway Software

B2B gateway software is integration middleware that supports information exchange between your organization and its ecosystem trading partners, applications and endpoints. BGS consolidates and centralizes data and process integration and interoperability between a company's internal applications and external endpoints, such as business partners, SaaS or ecosystems. The BGS market is a composite market that includes pure-play BGS solutions and BGS that is embedded or combined with other IT solutions (for example, ESB suites that support BGS features as services connected to the ESB suite, integration brokerage services, e-invoicing software and networks, application platform suites, electronic data interchange [EDI] translators, and managed file transfer [MFT] technology).

Retarus has 1 product in B2B Gateway Software market

Cloud Fax Solutions

Cloud fax supports sending and receiving faxes without the usual fax machines, phone lines, or on-premises digital fax server software. All fax communications are instead digitized and sent via the Internet Protocol (IP) network to the cloud before routing to the analog fax machines and fax-enabled printers connected to the telephone and IP networks or, indeed, to cloud-based fax recipients. Cloud fax services allow enterprises to avoid on-premises telephony costs related to fax phone lines or IT costs to support the on-premises fax infrastructure.

Retarus has 1 product in Cloud Fax Solutions market

Email Security Platform

Email security refers collectively to the prediction, prevention, detection and response framework used to provide attack protection and access protection for email. Email security spans gateways, email systems, user behavior, content security, and various supporting processes, services and adjacent security architecture. Effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations, but also having the right operational procedures in place.

Retarus has 1 product in Email Security Platform market