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Shibumi is present in 1 market with 1 product. Shibumi has 51 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Strategic Portfolio Management

Gartner defines strategic portfolio management (SPM) as a set of business capabilities, processes and supporting portfolio management technology. Business leaders, enterprise portfolio management office (EPMO) leaders and IT leaders require SPM to support enterprisewide strategy-to-execution alignment and adaptation. The SPM market addresses the integrated portfolio management technology needs of business leaders, EPMO leaders and IT leaders. SPM technology supports clear definition of key business strategies and desired business outcomes, and the formulation and mapping of these with key portfolio elements, such as business capabilities, investments, programs, digital and physical products, applications and projects. SPM technology allows users to create multiple portfolio and subportfolio types with focused themes, such as programs, digital products, physical products, business or IT services, projects and applications. It allows users to link and cross-reference elements in the different portfolios and subportfolios to support integrated portfolio analysis and tracking.

Shibumi has 1 product in Strategic Portfolio Management market