Digital communications governance and archiving solutions (DCGA) are designed to enforce corporate governance and regulatory compliance across a growing number of digital communication tools available to employees. For the various communication tools in use across the enterprise, DCGA solutions enable consistent policy management, enforcement and reporting capabilities.
The e-discovery solutions market comprises vendors offering technology solutions that facilitate the electronic discovery process. E-discovery solutions specialize in one or more areas to identify, collect, preserve, process, review, analyze and produce electronically stored information (ESI). ESI fulfills legal and compliance requirements for discovery that result from a variety of investigative scenarios. The scope of ESI often includes data sources, such as digital communications, file systems, cloud office platforms, endpoints, databases and applications. E-discovery solutions market includes software vendor offerings for a customer’s own deployment on-premises and in cloud infrastructure, as well as hosted offerings provided by software vendors and services providers.
Enterprise information archiving (EIA) solutions are designed for archiving data sources to a centralized platform to satisfy information governance requirements, including regulatory and/or corporate governance and privacy; improve data accessibility; surface new data insights; and gain operational efficiencies. There are several core capabilities of this market. They include archiving digital communication content, such as email, workstream collaboration, instant messaging (IM) and SMS; classifying data and enabling retention management of archive content; creating a searchable index of content; and providing basic tools for e-discovery and supervision.
Gartner defines IT vendor risk management (IT VRM) as the discipline of addressing the residual risk that businesses and governments face when working with external service providers, IT vendors and related third parties. The scope typically addresses risks related to data protection, business continuity, security and other risk domains as relevant to laws, regulation and industry practices.
The market for instant communications security and compliance consists of solutions that protect instant communications sent over networks, while also ensuring regulatory compliance.