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SonicWall is present in 6 markets with 12 products. SonicWall has 657 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.6.

Email Security Platform

Email security refers collectively to the prediction, prevention, detection and response framework used to provide attack protection and access protection for email. Email security spans gateways, email systems, user behavior, content security, and various supporting processes, services and adjacent security architecture. Effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations, but also having the right operational procedures in place.

SonicWall has 1 product in Email Security Platform market

Network Firewalls

Gartner defines the network firewall market as the market for firewalls that use bidirectional stateful traffic inspection (for both egress and ingress) to secure networks. Network firewalls are enforced through hardware, virtual appliances and cloud-native controls. Network firewalls are used to secure networks. These can be on-premises, hybrid (on-premises and cloud), public cloud or private cloud networks. Network firewall products support different deployment use cases, such as for perimeters, midsize enterprises, data centers, clouds, cloud-native and distributed offices.

SonicWall has 4 products in Network Firewalls market

Network Sandboxing

Network-based sandboxing is a proven technique for detecting malware and targeted attacks. Network sandboxes monitor network traffic for suspicious objects and automatically submit them to the sandbox environment, where they are analyzed and assigned malware probability scores and severity ratings. Sandboxing technology has been used for years by malware researchers at security companies and even in some large enterprises that are highly security conscious. Traditionally, using a sandbox has been an intensive effort requiring advanced skills. The malware researcher manually submits a suspicious object into the sandbox and analyzes it before flagging it as malware or not. By adding automated features to sandboxing technology (automatically submitting suspicious objects and automatically generating alerts).

SonicWall has 1 product in Network Sandboxing market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

SonicWall has 4 products in Security Solutions - Others market

WAN Optimization

Gartner defines WAN optimization tools as products that improve the performance of applications running across the WAN as well as reduce WAN service expenses. WAN optimization solutions continue to evolve, and now support four high-level needs: improving the response times for users of business-critical applications over WAN links or mobile connections; assisting in maximizing ROI for WAN bandwidth; optimizing data-center-to-data-center (DC-to-DC) traffic for faster storage replication and synchronization; and assisting in directing traffic across multiple WANS, such as a hybrid WAN or public cloud connectivity.

SonicWall has 1 product in WAN Optimization market

Zero Trust Network Access

Gartner defines zero trust network access (ZTNA) as products and services that create an identity and context-based, logical-access boundary that encompasses an enterprise user and an internally hosted application or set of applications. The applications are hidden from discovery, and access is restricted via a trust broker to a collection of named entities, which limits lateral movement within a network.

SonicWall has 1 product in Zero Trust Network Access market