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Sophos is present in 15 markets with 22 products. Sophos has 4733 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.8.

Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms

Cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs) are a unified and tightly integrated set of security and compliance capabilities, designed to protect cloud-native infrastructure and applications. CNAPPs incorporate an integrated set of proactive and reactive security capabilities, including artifact scanning, security guardrails, configuration and compliance management, risk detection and prioritization, and behavioral analytics, providing visibility, governance and control from code creation to production runtime. CNAPP solutions use a combination of API integrations with leading cloud platform providers, continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) pipeline integrations, and agent and agentless workload integration to offer combined development and runtime security coverage.

Sophos has 1 product in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms market

Email Security (Transitioning to Email Security Platform)

Email security refers collectively to the prediction, prevention, detection and response framework used to provide attack protection and access protection for email. Email security spans gateways, email systems, user behavior, content security, and various supporting processes, services and adjacent security architecture. Effective email security requires not only the selection of the correct products, with the required capabilities and configurations, but also having the right operational procedures in place.

Sophos has 2 products in Email Security (Transitioning to Email Security Platform) market

Endpoint Protection Platforms


Gartner defines an endpoint protection platform (EPP) as security software designed to protect managed endpoints — including desktop PCs, laptop PCs, mobile devices and, in some cases, server endpoints — against known and unknown malicious attacks. EPPs provide capabilities for security teams to investigate and remediate incidents that evade prevention controls. EPP products are delivered as software agents, deployed to endpoints, and connected to centralized security analytics and management consoles. EPPs provide a defensive security control to protect end-user endpoints against known and unknown malware infections using a combination of security techniques (such as static and behavioral analysis) and system controls (such as device control and host firewall management). EPP prevention and protection capabilities are deployed as a part of a defense-in-depth strategy to help reduce the attack surface and minimize the risk of endpoint compromise. EPP detection and response capabilities are used to uncover, investigate, and respond to endpoint threats that evade security prevention, often as a part of broader security operations platforms.

Sophos has 2 products in Endpoint Protection Platforms market

Extended Detection and Response

Extended detection and response (XDR) delivers security incident detection and automated response capabilities for security infrastructure. XDR integrates threat intelligence and telemetry data from multiple sources with security analytics to provide contextualization and correlation of security alerts. XDR must include native sensors, and can be delivered on-premises or as a SaaS offering. Typically, it is deployed by organizations with smaller security teams.

Sophos has 1 product in Extended Detection and Response market

Information-Centric Endpoint and Mobile Protection

Information-centric security products focus on content, more than device, and apply encryption and authentication to block file access and movement from unauthorized people or circumstances. Endpoint systems are porous, mistakenly sharing data is easy, and users can be careless. Information-centric security is the last line of defense for data when firewalls, anti-malware tools, best practices and other traditional defenses fail. The scope of this market is the protection of stored information, commonly referred to as data at rest. The protection of data at rest in some ways takes precedence, because the interconnectedness of today’s systems often undermines network protections. In other words, high-value information should be protected “at rest” to prevent the risk of a breach caused by an unexpected data in motion event.

Sophos has 2 products in Information-Centric Endpoint and Mobile Protection market

Managed Detection and Response


Gartner defines managed detection and response (MDR) services as those that provide customers with remotely delivered security operations center (SOC) functions. These functions allow organizations to perform rapid detection, analysis, investigation and response through threat disruption and containment. They offer a turnkey experience, using a predefined technology stack that commonly covers endpoints, networks, logs and cloud. Telemetry is analyzed within a provider’s platform using a range of techniques. The MDR provider’s analyst team then performs threat hunting and incident management to deliver recommended actions to their clients. MDR offers outcome-driven security incident management that is predicated on the detection, analysis and investigation of potentially impactful security events and the delivery of active threat disruption and containment actions to respond to and mitigate the impact of cyber breaches.

Sophos has 1 product in Managed Detection and Response market

Mobile Application Management

Gartner defines a mobile application management (MAM) tool as an on-premises or SaaS tool specifically designed for the license management, distribution, securing and life cycle management of apps for mobile device platforms. Thus, MAM tools provide integration with public app store payment and licensing mechanisms (such as Apple's Volume Purchase Program [VPP]), an enterprise app store, and the ability to set policies related to security, usage and ongoing management for apps or groups of apps. At minimum, a MAM product supports native and HTML 5 apps. Many also support a variety of popular hybrid app architectures, which may be highly desirable based on a particular client's needs.

Sophos has 1 product in Mobile Application Management market

Mobile Data Protection Solutions

Gartner defines mobile data protection (MDP) products and services as software security methods that enforce confidentiality policies by encrypting data, and then defending access to that encrypted data on the mass storage systems of end-user workstations. These storage systems include the primary boot drive of a workstation, additional system drives and removable devices used for portability. Storage technologies affected by MDP include magnetic hard-disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), self-encrypting drives (SEDs), flash drives and optical media. Several methods allow MDP products to delegate all or part of the encryption process to be accomplished by hardware elements, including the CPU and drive controller, and to native capabilities in the OS. Some vendors also have protection capabilities for network storage, and a few also support cloud-based storage environments as an extension to the desktop.

Sophos has 2 products in Mobile Data Protection Solutions market

Mobile Threat Defense

Mobile threat defense (MTD) products protect organizations from malicious threats on iOS and Android devices, at the device, network and application levels. To successfully attack a mobile device, mobile malware must circumvent the controls built into mobile OSs, such as those for app store curation and native mobile OS hardening. MTD products tend to focus on preventing and detecting anomalous behavior by collecting and analyzing indicators of compromise, as well as expected behavior. MTD products gather threat intelligence from the devices they support, as well as from external sources, and use an analysis engine that resides in the cloud, on-premises or on an MTD app installed on devices.

Sophos has 1 product in Mobile Threat Defense market

Network Detection and Response

Network detection and response (NDR) products detect abnormal system behaviors by applying behavioral analytics to network traffic data. They continuously analyze raw network packets or traffic metadata within internal networks (east-west) and between internal and external networks (north-south). NDR products include automated responses, such as host containment or traffic blocking, directly or through integration with other cybersecurity tools. NDR can be delivered as a combination of hardware and software appliances for sensors, some with IaaS support. Management and orchestration consoles can be software or SaaS.

Sophos has 1 product in Network Detection and Response market

Network Firewalls


Gartner defines the network firewall market as the market for firewalls that use bidirectional stateful traffic inspection (for both egress and ingress) to secure networks. Network firewalls are enforced through hardware, virtual appliances and cloud-native controls. Network firewalls are used to secure networks. These can be on-premises, hybrid (on-premises and cloud), public cloud or private cloud networks. Network firewall products support different deployment use cases, such as for perimeters, midsize enterprises, data centers, clouds, cloud-native and distributed offices.

Sophos has 3 products in Network Firewalls market


Gartner defines SD-WAN as functionality primarily used to connect branch locations to other enterprise and cloud locations. SD-WAN products provide dynamic path selection based on business or application policy, routing, centralized orchestration of policy and management of appliances, virtual private network (VPN), and zero-touch configuration. SD-WAN products are WAN transport/carrier-agnostic and create secure paths across physical WAN connections. SD-WAN products replace traditional branch routers and enable connectivity between enterprise branch locations as well as the cloud. They facilitate WAN connectivity’s evolution from Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)-centric to public internet-centric in support of enterprise traffic shifts from private data centers to public cloud and SaaS.

Sophos has 1 product in SD-WAN market

Security Awareness Computer-Based Training

The SACBT market is characterized by vendor offerings that include one or more of the following capabilities: Ready-to-use training and educational content; Employee testing and knowledge checks; Availability in multiple languages, natively or through subtitling or partial translation (in many cases, language support is diverse and localized); Phishing and other social engineering attack simulations; Platform and awareness analytics to help measure the efficacy of the awareness program. Training modules are available as cloud-hosted SaaS applications or on-premises deployments via client-managed learning management systems (LMSs), and also support the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standard, enabling integration with corporate LMSs.

Sophos has 1 product in Security Awareness Computer-Based Training market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

Sophos has 2 products in Security Solutions - Others market

Unified Endpoint Management Tools

Gartner defines a unified endpoint management (UEM) tool as a software-based tool that provides agent and agentless management of computers and mobile devices through a single console. Modern UEM tools: Provide a user-centric view of devices across device platforms; Offer agent and/or agentless management through native Windows endpoint, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS controls. Offer agentless mobile management through native Apple iOS/iPad OS and Google Android controls; Aggregate telemetry and signals from identities, apps, connectivity and devices to inform policy and related actions; Aggregate and analyze technology performance and employee experience data; Integrate with identity, security and remote access tools to support zero-trust access and contextual authentication, vulnerability, policy, and configuration and data management; Manage nontraditional devices, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, wearables and rugged handhelds.

Sophos has 1 product in Unified Endpoint Management Tools market