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Sourcepoint is present in 1 market with 1 product. Sourcepoint has 15 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.7.

Consent and Preference Management

Consent and preference management (CPM) platforms support all aspects of collecting, consolidating, synchronizing and applying end-user choices about personal data. The intent is to extend visibility and control to data subjects, enabling them to self-determine how much of their data to expose, to whom and for what purpose. For organizations, CPM platforms provide a strong foundation for compliance-backed data usage, with detailed tracking and auditability. They contribute to a solid consent program, making data monetization easier and more profitable. CPM platforms are delivered via software. Central to most privacy laws is the challenge of giving users clarity around — and control over — their personal data. CPM platforms address this challenge by handling collection, consolidation, synchronization and usage of end-user choices. They empower data subjects with self-determination, enabling them to control how much personal data to expose, to whom and for what purpose. For organizations, CPM platforms provide a strong foundation for compliance-backed data usage, with detailed tracking and auditability. In more fundamental terms, CPM platforms contribute to a solid consent program, making data monetization easier and more profitable.

Sourcepoint has 1 product in Consent and Preference Management market